Nourish to Flourish: Your Fertility Plan.

(This name is a work in progress!!)

We are changing things up here at Kirsty Harrison Nutrition.

Wherever you are on your fertility journey, whether thinking about starting a family soon or already knee deep in trying, we are here to help.

The world is full of completely conflicting information on what good nutrition for fertility is and how to implement it into your daily lives.

This is where we come in!

Our new offering is a monthly membership. Each month we will unlock a new topic. Each one will be a useful educational webinar accompanied by meal ideas , hacks and tips to help you integrate the elements of each topic into your daily life.

Sometimes it’s more than just knowing what to eat, sometimes it helps to be given tips, ideas and hacks to actually use that information practically.

To accompany the educational webinar, we will also do a monthly Q&A for you ask any questions you may have and will be in the community daily to answer questions and help where we can.

A few of the topics we will be covering are: - understanding fertility nutrition, blood sugar balancing for hormone health, what tests are available and when to use them, supplements, detoxification support, nutrition for egg and sperm and much more!

Allow the confusion and overwhelm to disappear by joining us in our little corner of the internet.

Not only will we have the educational/useful side of things we will also provide support, accountability and community.

  • Regular ‘drop in’ sessions for accountability, support and to answer any concerns you have

  • A monthly book club (non fertility related)

  • Guest speakers on topics on fertility and non fertility matters

  • A supportive and welcoming community

  • An option to purchase additional 1:1 sessions if you feel this useful

  • Monthly challenges to keep motivation going

The community won’t be held on Facebook so that you can remain anonymous if you prefer. You can just come, catch up with the content and then leave again. There is no pressure from us!

An initial look at the monthly topics.

Month 1: Understanding Fertility and Nutrition

Fertility isn't just about conception; it's about overall well-being. The nutrients you consume have a direct impact on your hormone balance, reproductive health, and energy levels. This month we cover the essentials of fertility nutrition and why it matters.

Month 2: Blood Sugar Balancing for Hormonal Health

Maintaining stable blood sugar is key to supporting reproductive health. When blood sugar spikes, it can lead to hormonal imbalances that disrupt fertility. This month explores how to stabilise blood sugar through balanced meals.

Month 3: Testing, Testing, Testing.

Occasionally, additional testing may be required to help understand what is happening and what is driving symptoms. This month we explore what additional testing is available and when to start thinking about these to support our goals.

More topics to be unveiled soon.

Implementing small, sustainable changes is the most effective way to create lasting nutrition habits. Throughout the program you will be provided with lots of useful information to support you on your journey.

The world of nutrition is so overwhelming, particularly when it comes to fertility, having Kirsty on hand to guide us was invaluable!
— Nahomi G
Just knowing Kirsty was there to answer any questions was actually more than helpful. The support was amazing!
— Laura D

Are you ready?

  • to take the decision and research out of your nutrition plan?

  • to understand your body and listen to what it is trying to tell you?

  • to learn about what supplements and tests are actually helpful?

  • to join a like minded group of people as they embark on the same journey as you?


Monthly membership: £29

This is a founding members fee.

Please note that there is absolutely no commitment and you can cancel your membership at any time. No questions asked!


  • The advice will be as specific as we can for the general population. If you were to need very specific advice tailored to your needs, you would need to book a consultation. Please contact us directly for a reduced price.

  • Yes! This will focus on egg health and sperm health as well as other aspects and will definitely be of use in the run up to your treatment.

  • The education sessions will be recorded for you to catch up on. The general catch up and drop in sessions will not be.

  • The education sessions will be around 45 minutes to an hour long and the drop in sessions will be open for as long as people are around but a maximum of an hour.

  • It will be of benefit and of course you are welcome to join but you may benefit for more a more in depth 1:1 support. Please contact us to discuss this further.

  • I would suggest a minimum of three months but I will leave this totally in your court. If you would like to leave at any point please let me know and this can be arranged. No tie in here!